Computer Science
This curriculum is designed to meet the admission requirements for four-year public institutions in Mississippi. Due to the diversity of disciplines within computer science, students are encouraged to work closely with their
advisor to map out the best plan for transfer.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathmatics) Pathway
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathmatics) Pathway
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- General Biology I BIO 1134
- Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113
- *Calculus I MAT 1613
- **History Elective (3)
Total 16 Hours
Second Semester
- English Composition II ENG 1123
- General Chemistry I CHE 1214
- Computer Programming I CSC 1613
- Calculus II MAT 1623
- **History Elective (3)
Total 16 Hours
First Semester
- Calculus III MAT 2613
- General Physics I-A PHY 2514
- Computer Programming II CSC 2623
- **Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- **Literature Elective (3)
Total 16 Hours
Second Semester
- Introduction to Linear Algebra MAT 2113
- General Physics II-A PHY 2524
- ***Fine Arts Elective (3)
- **Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- **Literature Elective (3)
Total 16 Hours
Consult with your chosen transfer university/college to determine changes to this curriculum.
*Students are strongly advised to take MAT 1323 Trigonometry prior to enrolling in the calculus sequence.
**The student must consult the catalog of his/her chosen university concerning the number of hours in each area and the sequence to follow.
**Social/Behavioral Science Electives:
ECO 2113 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2123 Principles of Microeconomics
GEO 1113 World Regional Geography
PSC 1113 American National Government
PSY 1513 General Psychology
SOC 2113 Introduction to Sociology
**Literature Electives:
ENG 2223 American Literature I
ENG 2233 American Literature II
ENG 2323 British Literature I
ENG 2333 British Literature II
**History Electives:
HIS 1113 Western Civilization I
HIS 1123 Western Civilization II
HIS 1163 World Civilization I
HIS 1173 World Civilization II
HIS 2213 American (U.S.) History I
HIS 2223 American (U.S.) History II
***ART 1113 Art Appreciation, MUS 1113 Music Appreciation, or SPT 2233 Theatre Appreciation
*Students are strongly advised to take MAT 1323 Trigonometry prior to enrolling in the calculus sequence.
**The student must consult the catalog of his/her chosen university concerning the number of hours in each area and the sequence to follow.
**Social/Behavioral Science Electives:
ECO 2113 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2123 Principles of Microeconomics
GEO 1113 World Regional Geography
PSC 1113 American National Government
PSY 1513 General Psychology
SOC 2113 Introduction to Sociology
**Literature Electives:
ENG 2223 American Literature I
ENG 2233 American Literature II
ENG 2323 British Literature I
ENG 2333 British Literature II
**History Electives:
HIS 1113 Western Civilization I
HIS 1123 Western Civilization II
HIS 1163 World Civilization I
HIS 1173 World Civilization II
HIS 2213 American (U.S.) History I
HIS 2223 American (U.S.) History II
***ART 1113 Art Appreciation, MUS 1113 Music Appreciation, or SPT 2233 Theatre Appreciation
Enrollment in a minimum of 15 hours each semester is recommended for eligibility for state aid, institutional scholarships, and the tuition break.