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Goodman Campus Police
(601) 940-0089

Grenada Campus Police
(662) 809-6845

Ridgeland Campus Police
(601) 605-3333

The College Department of Public Safety consists of three divisions: Police, Security, and Emergency Management. Together they maintain a safe and secure environment in which to learn, reside, and relax while at our locations. Public Safety works closely with each Chief Student Services Officer on disciplinary matters.

The Department of Public Safety operates 24 hours a day at Goodman and when the college is open at the other locations.The College District Police consists of certified police officers and campus security officers charged with protecting life, property and the general safety of the College.

College Police Officers are empowered as constables under state law and thus have full law enforcement powers like municipal, county or other state officers. While campus security officers are not certified, they may enforce rules and regulations of the college and work under the direction of a certified officer.

Standards of Conduct

  1. The use of tobacco and electronic cigarettes is not permitted on campus, other than inside a personal vehicle. Mississippi law regulates tobacco use on state property. Violators will be fined.
  2. Please do not litter; including cigarettes, cigars, and gum wrappers. Place litter in the appropriate containers.
  3. Maximum speed on campus is 15 MPH and is enforced by radar on and around campus. Due to the high volume of pedestrian traffic, all traffic violations are strictly enforced.
  4. Turn radios down upon entering campus. No loud exhausts are allowed. Excessive noise will be cited.
  5. No parking in handicap parking, unless you are handicapped. If you use someone else’s handicap placard, you will be fined. These vehicles must be registered with the DSS Coordinator. A special placard will be issued to park on campus.
  6. No parking in faculty/staff zones or other restricted zones at any time of the day or night.
  7. No sitting or loitering on stairwells is permitted.
  8. All vehicles parked on the campus by a student will be required to have a decal. Please make sure your parking decal is affixed to the left side of the rear windshield.
  9. No firearms and/or weapons are allowed on campus. This includes your vehicle. Bringing a firearm on campus is a felony and will be prosecuted in addition to being administratively withdrawn from the college.
  10. Vulgar, threatening, or abusive language; disorderly conduct, or fighting will not be tolerated. Persons committing an assault will be criminally charged and be administratively withdrawn from the college.
  11. Students must have their Holmes Student I.D. on their person at all times. Any faculty or police officer may ask for it at any time. Failure to comply will result in a fine.
  12. Holmes District Police have the right to search any person, property, or vehicle while on campus without a warrant and upon reasonable suspicion. The police will enforce all State and campus regulations to include areas and roadways around the campus.
  13. The police are here to keep the campus safe and conducive to learning. You may contact us anytime you have a problem.
  14.  Vehicles must be parked facing the exit of one-way lanes to avoid exiting the wrong way and potentially causing accidents.