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Associate Degree Nursing - Accel for LPN-Paramedics - Twelve Mth

Individuals who have completed an accredited practical nursing program or an accredited paramedic program and hold the practical nursing license or a paramedic license or certification may be eligible to enter the Accelerated Program for LPNs and Paramedics. LPNs must have 500 hours or 6 months of medical-surgical experience.  Individuals who have completed an accredited paramedic program and hold a valid current unencumbered professional license or certification may be eligible to enter the Accelerated program for LPN/paramedic.  Paramedics must have at least one year of field experience verified by letter from employer.  Upon completion of this program, the student is qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). 

The Associate Degree Accelerated for LPN/Paramedic Program is located in Grenada and Ridgeland. The program starts in the Summer semester.


Program Curriculum


First Semester
  • Nursing Transitions I NUR 1316
  • Nursing Transitions II NUR 1326
Total 12 Hours
Second Semester
  • Nursing III NUR 2119
  • Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
Total 12 Hours
Third Semester
  • Nursing IV NUR 2239
  • Management of Nursing Care NUR 2243
Total 12 Hours

The student must have successfully completed with a C or better the following courses before program start date - Total 24 hours: BIO 2514 -Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 2524 - Anatomy & Physiology II, BIO 2924 - Microbiology, BIO 1613 or FCS 1253 - Nutrition, ENG 1113 - English Composition I, PSY 1513 - General Psychology, and PSY/EPY 2533 - Human Growth & Development.

Total Program - 66 hours. LPNs/Paramedics are given 6 hours credit toward graduation for their prior LPN/Paramedic training.

Enrollment in a minimum of 15 hours each semester is recommended for eligibility for state aid, institutional scholarships, and the tuition break.