Criminal Justice Administration Technology
The Criminal Justice Administration Technology program will prepare the graduate for employment opportunities in the field of criminal justice in the areas of law enforcement, corrections, and security. The program provides the student with core courses but focuses primarily on criminal justice courses addressing different aspects of the field such as police, courts, and corrections. The program offers a Technical Certificate, an Advanced Technical Certificate and an AAS degree.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJ 1313
- Introduction to Corrections CRJ 1363
- Criminology CRJ 1383
- Criminal Law CRJ 2323
- *Approved Elective (3)
Total 15 Hours
Second Semester
- Police Administration & Organization CRJ 1323
- Police Operations CRJ 2313
- Criminal Investigation CRJ 2333
- *Approved Electives (6)
Total 15 Hours
First Semester
- Survey of Forensic Evidence CRJ 2393
- Juvenile Justice CRJ 2513
- Administration of Criminal Procedure CRJ 2413 OR Criminal Procedures CJR 2813
- Introduction to Homeland Security CRJ 1373 OR Foundations of Homeland Security & Terrorism CJT 2743
- *Approved Elective (3)
Total 15 Hours
Second Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- College Algebra MAT 1313 OR Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- English Composition II ENG 1123 OR Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR Social/Behavioral Science (3)
Total 15 Hours
(Option One) A Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 30 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Two) An Advanced Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 45 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Three) An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
*Approved Technical Electives: CRJ 1343-Police & Community Relations, CRJ 1353-Practicum in Criminal Justice, CRJ 2713-Foundations of Terrorism, CRJ 2723-Intelligence Analysis and Security Management; CRJ 2733-Transportation and Border Security, LET 1123-Introduction to Law, LET 2313-Civil Litigation I, LET 2333-Civil Litigation II, LET 2383 Criminal Law and Procedure, LET 2653-Law Office Management, MFL 1203-Occupational Spanish, PSC 1113- American National Government, WBL 1913-Work-Based Learning I, or WBL 1923-Work-Based Learning II, or any other technical or academic course approved by advisor.
Enrollment in a minimum of 15 hours each semester is recommended for eligibility for state aid, institutional scholarships, and the tuition break.