Forest Technology
Forest Technology is an intensive program of instruction and training to prepare individuals for service in different aspects of forest management operations. Major topics of the program include: the role of foresters in society; the identification and valuation of forest and ornamental woody species; the manipulation of forest stands to produce specific benefits; the impacts of fire, insects, and disease in forest stands; forest measurement and mapping methods; and timber harvesting and utilization systems.
Emphasis throughout the program is placed upon developing strong communication skills through written and oral assignments and upon developing a professional attitude of conduct.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- Applied Dendrology FOT 1714
- Introduction to Forestry FOT 1813
- Forest Surveying FOT 2124
- Introduction to Microsoft Office BOT 1273
Second Semester
- Forest Measurements I FOT 1114
- Silviculture I FOT 2614
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- Approved Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- The Legal Environment of Business BAD 2413 OR Principles of Accounting I ACC 2213
First Semester
- Applications of GIS/GPS in Forestry FOT 2214
- Timber Harvesting FOT 2424
- English Composition II ENG 1123 OR Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR Social/Behavioral Science (3)
- College Algebra MAT 1313 OR Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
Second Semester
- Work-Based Learning I WBL 1913
- Applied Soil Conservation and Use AGT 1714
- Special Problem in Forest Technology FOT 2914
- Special Problem in Conservation Law FOT 2944
- Smart Start Pathway SSP 1002
An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
***MAT 1233 & a natural science with lab (7 hrs. total) OR BOT 1313 & a natural science with lab (7 hrs. total) may be substituted for College Algebra.