Hotel and Restaurant Management Technology
Hotel and Restaurant Management Technology provides specialized career/technical instruction in all phases of hotel and restaurant management to prepare students for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students completing this program will be eligible to obtain ServSafe Sanitation certification from the National Restaurant Association.
Hospitality and Tourism
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Culinary Principles I CUT 1114
- Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism HRT 1123
- Sanitation and Safety HRT 1213
- Smart Start Pathway SSP 1002
- *Approved Technical Electives (4)
Total 12 Hours
Second Semester
- Restaurant and Catering Operations HRT 1224
- Rooms Division Management HRT 1413
- *Approved Technical Electives (9)
Total 16 Hours
First Semester
- Hospitality Cost Controls HRT 2233
- Hospitality Supervision HRT 2613
- Hospitality Human Resource Management HRT 2623
- *Approved Technical Electives (6)
Total 15 Hours
Second Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- English Composition II ENG 1123 OR Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR Social/Behavioral Science (3)
- College Algebra MAT 1313 OR Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
Total 15 Hours
*Approved Technical Electives: BOT 1313, BOT 1763, BOT 1823, BOT 2433, BPT 1224, BPT 1234, BPT 2334, CUT 1124, CUT 1135, CUT 1613, CUT 2223, CUT 2243, CUT 2923, HRT 15(1-4)1, HRT/CUT 1163, HRT 2713, HRT 2853, HRT 2923, WBL 1913, WBL 1923, or other technical or academic elective approved by instructor/advisor.
Enrollment in a minimum of 15 hours each semester is recommended for eligibility for state aid, institutional scholarships, and the tuition break.