Industrial Technology
The Industrial Technology program is designed for students who want to prepare for employment leading to supervisor, administrative, and other management positions in the production areas of industry or into industrial distribution, wholesale level sales, distribution and/or installation of industrial products and equipment. The program offers a Technical Certificate, an Advanced Technical Certificate, and AAS Degree in Industrial Technology. The curriculum also has the option of transfer to MSU offering a related course of study from the College of Education, thereby leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) in Industrial Technology.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Principles of CAD ENT 1313
- Graphic Communications ENT 1113
- Basic Electricity & Electronics ENT 1813
- Industrial Welding & Metals ENT 2323
- Smart Start Pathway SSP 1002
- *Approved Technical Elective (3)
Second Semester
- Computer Numerical Control ENT 2363
- Programmable Logic Controllers ENT 2613
- Advanced CAD ENT 2343
- **Approved Technical Electives (6)
First Semester
- Materials ENT 1213
- Statics & Strengths of Material ENT 2253
- Preventive Maintenance ENT 2833
- *Approved Technical Electives (6)
Second Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- English Composition II ENG 1123 OR Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR Social/Behavioral Science (3)
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- College Algebra MAT 1313 OR Natural Science w/Lab (4)
(Option One) A Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 35 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Two) An Advanced Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 47 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Three) An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
*Approved Technical Electives: ENT 1123, ENT 1213, ENT 2263, ENT 2523, ENT 2723, ENT 291(1-3), Work Based Learning.