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Holmes CC Bands

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Holmes Community College ā€œBulldogā€ Marching Band

The Holmes Community College ā€œBulldogā€ Marching Band is a progressive college marching band with entertainment and pageantry as a goal. The ā€œBulldogā€ Band has won first place in the Argus Mardi Gras Parade in Metairie, Louisiana, for two years in a row. The ā€œBulldogā€ Band performs at all home and most away football games and in various parades throughout the nine county districts. The Band rehearses four days a week for two hours after classes on the Goodman Campus.

The marching band consists of horn line, percussion, color guard, pit percussion, guitar, electric bass, drum majors, and managers. Scholarships for band students are available. Band students receive one-hour college credit for each semester of participation.

Auditions for Drum Major and Color Guard are held each spring semester in the Frank B. Branch Coliseum on the Goodman Campus of Holmes Community College for the Fall Marching Season.


Justin Craft
Director of Bands
Phone: (662) 472-9051

Dr. Kyle Moore
Assistant Director of Bands
Phone: (662) 472-9040

We have band options!

Jazz band

The Holmes Community College Jazz band is a select group of musicians who enjoy playing jazz, swing, and progressive styles of music. The ā€œbig bandā€ group consists of brass, woodwinds, keyboard, and a rhythm section performing many on and off campus concerts throughout the school year. A highly energized group, the jazz band offers the student a chance to play pop and standard jazz music not offered in other bands. This band rehearses two times per week and receives one-hour credit for each semester of participation. The Holmes Jazz Band is taken from the Holmes Marching Band except for an occasional piano player, guitar player, and bass player.

Steel Band

The Holmes Community College Steel Band began in 1995. It is a full steel drum ensemble with a rhythm section. The Holmes Steel Band has performed all over the state of Mississippi, the south and even in the Caribbean Islands of the Bahamas. The group consists of band members from the marching and concert bands that play other wind and percussion instruments. Students must be able to read music to be trained to play the steel drums by the director. Each student receives one hour of credit for steel band participation. Auditions are held the first week of the fall semester for membership in the Holmes Steel Bands.

Percussion Ensemble

The Holmes Community College Percussion Ensemble performs a wide variety of music performed on percussion instruments. Occasionally, non-percussion instruments such as the guitar, bass, or keyboard are used. Literature that the group has performed has included classical music, heavy metal, jazz, and even music written for non traditional instruments such as trashcans. The group has performed at various indoor drum line competitions and Percussive Arts Society sponsored events.

Concert Band

The Holmes CC Concert band meets in the spring semester, and focuses on traditional concert band literature. The band performs on the annual spring concert. Members of the concert band receive a generous scholarship.