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ABT 1146 - Structural Analysis & Damage Repair I

Technical Hours: 6
ABT 1146 - Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. A course to provide skills and practice in structural analysis and repair procedures that are used in the collision repair industry. This course also covers the complete inspection and non-structural analysis of damaged vehicles. It is designed to enable the student to determine the conditions and severity of the damage, the repair or replacement of parts, the estimated repair time, and correct use of reference manuals. Three hours lecture. Six hours laboratory. Six hours credit.

ABT 1153 - Structural Analysis & Damage Repair II

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1153 - Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course is a continuation of Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. This course provides instruction and practice in unibody inspection, measurement, and repair. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 1223 - Non-Structural Analysis & Damage Repair I

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1223 - Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. A course in the procedures and practices for metal finishing and body filling. This course also covers the complete inspection and non-structural analysis of damaged vehicles. It is designed to enable the student to determine the conditions and severity of the damage, the repair or replacement of parts, the estimated repair time, and correct use of reference manuals. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 1236 - Non-Structural Analysis & Damage Repair II

Technical Hours: 6
ABT 1236 - Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course is a continuation of Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. This course provides instruction for preparation principles and practices. This course provides instruction for outer body panel repair, replacement, and adjustment principles and practices. Three hours lecture. Six hours laboratory. Six hours credit.

ABT 1313 - Refinishing I

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1313 - Refinishing I. A course to provide skills and practices in vehicle preparation, cleaning, sanding, metal treatment, and masking. Included is determining imperfections in paint jobs. Emphasis is placed upon personal safety and environmental concerns. One hour lecture. Four hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 1323 - Refinishing II

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1323 - Refinishing II. Continuation of Refinishing I. Included are types of paint defects and paint gun application and maintenance procedures. One hour lecture. Four hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 1443 - Mechanical & Electrical Components I

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1443 - Mechanical and Electrical Components I. A course designed to provide theory and practice in the areas of restraint systems, cooling systems, and air conditioning/heating systems. An introduction to small business management techniques as applied to the collision repair shop includes computerized information and record systems. Also included are financial responsibilities, shop layout, inventory, and employee-employer relations. Three hours lecture. Three hours credit.

ABT 1453 - Mechanical & Electrical Components II

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 1453 - Mechanical and Electrical Components II. A continuation of Mechanical and Electrical Components I. A course designed to provide theory and practice in the areas of brakes and electrical. Three hours lecture. Three hours credit.

ABT 2163 - Structural Analysis & Damage Repair III

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2163 - Structural Analysis and Damage Repair III. This course is a continuation of Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course provides the procedures and practices for frame inspection and repair. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2243 - Non-Structural Analysis & Damage Repair III

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2243 - Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair III. This course is a continuation of Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course provides instruction and practice for the following areas: moveable glass, hardware associated with glass, plastics and adhesive. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2336 - Refinishing III

Technical Hours: 6
ABT 2336 - Refinishing III. A continuation of Refinishing II with emphasis on advanced painting techniques including paint mixing, matching, and applying and detailing. Two hours lecture. Eight hours laboratory. Six hours credit.

ABT 2713 - Collision Analysis & Estimation

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2713 - Collision Analysis and Estimation. This course covers the complete inspection and analysis of damaged vehicles. It is designed to enable the student to determine the conditions and severity of the damage, the repair or replacement of parts, the estimated repair time, and correct use of reference manuals. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2813 - Shop Operation & Procedures

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2813 - Shop Operations and Procedures. An introduction to small business management techniques as applied to the collision repair shop includes computerized information and record systems. Also included are financial responsibilities, shop layout, inventory, and employee-employer relations. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2911 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 1
ABT 2911 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology. A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Collision Repair Technology courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. Two hours laboratory. One hour credit.

ABT 2912 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 2
ABT 2912 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology. A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Collision Repair Technology courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. Four hours laboratory. Two hours credit.

ABT 2913 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2913 - Special Problem in Collision Repair Technology. A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge gained in other Collision Repair Technology courses. The instructor and student work closely together to select a topic and establish criteria for completion of the project. Six hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 1
ABT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Three hours laboratory. One hour credit.

ABT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 2
ABT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Six hours laboratory. Two hours credit.

ABT 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 3
ABT 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Nine hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ABT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 4
ABT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Twelve hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ABT 2925 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 5
ABT 2925 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Fifteen hours laboratory. Five hours credit.

ABT 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology

Technical Hours: 6
ABT 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Collision Repair Technology. A course that is a cooperative program between industry and education designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Eighteen hours laboratory. Six hours credit.

ACC 2213 - Principles of Accounting I

Academic Hours: 3
ACC 2213 - Principles of Accounting I (Prerequisite: MAT 0124 or higher or placement score for MAT 1233 or higher). Study of the fundamentals and application of financial accounting principles that relate to business. The topics to be covered include the accounting cycle and the accounting systems for service and merchandising businesses. Three hours lecture. Three hours credit.

ACC 2223 - Principles of Accounting II

Academic Hours: 3
ACC 2223 - Principles of Accounting II (Prerequisite: ACC 2213). A continuation of ACC 2213. The topics to be covered include corporate accounting concepts, managerial accounting concepts and internal business decision making to include various business structures. Three hours lecture. Three hours credit.

ACT 1003 - Introduction to Heating & Air Conditioning Technology

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 1003 - Introduction to Heating & Air Conditioning Technology. This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental skills associated with all HVAC courses. Safety, basic tools, special tools, and equipment, communication skills, employability skills, and materials handling topics are included. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 1124 - Basic Compression Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 1124 - Basic Compression Refrigeration. This course includes an introduction to the field of refrigeration and air-conditioning. Emphasis is placed on trade math, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 1133 - Brazing and Piping

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 1133 - Brazing and Piping. This course includes various tools and pipe connecting techniques. This course includes specialized tools and test equipment required in heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 1214 - Controls

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 1214 - Controls. This course includes fundamentals of gas, fluid, electrical, and programmable controls. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 1313 - Refrigeration System Components

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 1313 - Refrigeration System Components. This course includes an in-depth study of the components and accessories of a sealed system including metering devices, evaporators, compressors, and condensers. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 1713 - Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration I

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 1713 - Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration I. This course includes basic knowledge of electricity, power distribution, components, solid state devices, and electrical circuits. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 1813 - Professional Service Procedures

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 1813 - Professional Service Procedures. Business ethics necessary to work with both the employer and customer. Includes resume, record keeping, and service contracts. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2323 - Commercial Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2324 - Commercial Refrigeration. This course includes a study of various commercial refrigeration systems. It includes installation, servicing, and maintaining systems. One hour lecture. Four hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2324 - Commercial Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 2324 - Commercial Refrigeration. This course includes a study of various commercial refrigeration systems. It includes installation, servicing, and maintaining systems. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 2414 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration I

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 2414 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration I. This course includes residential air-conditioning including indoor air quality. This course includes modules on basic maintenance, air quality equipment, troubleshooting cooling, and troubleshooting gas heating. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 2424 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration II

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 2424 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration II. This course includes a continuation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning I with modules related to introduction to hydronic systems, troubleshooting heat pumps, and troubleshooting accessories. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 2433 - Refrigerant, Retrofit, & Regulation

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2433 - Refrigerant, Retrofit, & Regulation. This course includes regulations and standards for new retrofit and government regulations. This course includes EPA regulations, local, and state codes. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2513 - Heating Systems

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2513 - Heating Systems. This course includes various types of residential and commercial heating systems. This course includes gas, oil, electric, compression, and hydronic heating systems. Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2623 - Heat Load Air Properties

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2624 - Heat Load Air Properties. This course includes introduction to heat load calculations for residential and light commercial heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems. This course includes air distribution, duct sizing, selection of grills and registers, types of fans, air velocity, and fan performance. This course introduces air testing instruments and computer usage. One hour lecture. Four hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2624 - Heat Load Air Properties

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 2624 - Heat Load Air Properties. This course includes introduction to heat load calculations for residential and light commercial heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems. This course includes air distribution, duct sizing, selection of grills and registers, types of fans, air velocity, and fan performance. This course introduces air testing instruments and computer usage. Two hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

ACT 2911 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 1
ACT 2911 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is designed to provide the student with practical application of skills and knowledge gained in technical courses. The instructor works closely with the students to insure that the selection of a project will enhance the student's learning experience. Two hours laboratory. One hour credit.

ACT 2912 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 2
ACT 2912 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is designed to provide the student with practical application of skills and knowledge gained in technical courses. The instructor works closely with the students to insure that the selection of a project will enhance the student's learning experience. Four hours laboratory. Two hours credit.

ACT 2913 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2913 - Special Project in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is designed to provide the student with practical application of skills and knowledge gained in technical courses. The instructor works closely with the students to insure that the selection of a project will enhance the student's learning experience. Six hours laboratory. Three hours credit.

ACT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 1
ACT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Three hours externship. One hour credit.

ACT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 2
ACT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Six hours externship. Two hours credit.

ACT 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 3
ACT 2923 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Nine hours externship. Three hours credit.

ACT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 4
ACT 2924 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Twelve hours externship. Four hours credit.

ACT 2925 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 5
ACT 2925 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Fifteen hours externship. Five hours credit.

ACT 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

Technical Hours: 6
ACT 2926 - Supervised Work Experience in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. This course is a cooperative program between industry and education and is designed to integrate the student's technical studies with industrial experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per 45 industrial contact hours. Eighteen hours externship. Six hours credit.

AGR 1214 - Animal Science

Academic Hours: 4
AGR 1214 - Animal Science. A combined lecture and laboratory course incorporating the fundamental principles and practical application of livestock, dairy and poultry science. Origin, characteristics, market classes, and grades of the major breeds of livestock and poultry. Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Four hours credit.

AGR 1313 - Plant Science

Academic Hours: 3
AGR 1313 - Plant Science. A combined lecture and laboratory course incorporating scientific principles as the basis for practice in producing, handling, processing, marketing and utilizing agronomic and horticultural crops. Three hours lecture. Three hours credit.

Showing 1 - 50 of 1052 Course Descriptions