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Veterans Educational Benefits

Contact Holmes CC’s VA Certifying Officials

Montgomery GI Bill® (Veterans Benefits)
The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) provides educational benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill®-Active Duty Educational Assistance program (Chapter 30), the Montgomery GI Bill®-Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606), the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607), the Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) and the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 35).

First time applicants need to complete and submit the VA Form 22-1990. Students transferring to Holmes from another college must submit a VA FORM 22-1995.

VA Forms:
Instructions for using your VA Education Benefits at Holmes CC
Verification of Enrollment for VA Educational Benefits Request Form
VA Form 1990 (Application for VA Benefits
VA Form 1995 (all except Dependents)
VA Form 5495 (Dependents only)
VR&E Application

Chapter 33 Transfer of Benefits – Service members enrolled in the Post 9/11 GI Bill® program are able to transfer unused educational benefits to their spouse and/or dependents. The family member must complete the 22-1990, and the service member must complete their portion of the transfer at Additional information can be found at .

Chapter 35-The Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

VR&E– The VA determines the eligibility of service people who need vocational rehabilitation to overcome impairment to their ability to prepare for employment. For additional information contact Jackson VA Regional Benefit Office at 601-364-7191

ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance – must be approved by Service member’s Educational Service Officer (ESO) prior to enrolling within the institution. Soldiers must input their TA requests as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days before the course start date. For additional information go to and to apply go to

Steps to apply for ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance – Meet with Educational Service Officer (ESO) or counselor. Contact Kala Evans at for additional steps required for TA. You will receive an email with all instructions and links to your portal and how to use your CAC card. You can also refer to the instructions here.

The Mississippi State Educational Assistance Program (SEAP) pays toward tuition to state and regionally-accredited institutions for soldiers who are not authorized for Federal Tuition Assistance. The amount per semester is determined by the SEAP Board before each state fiscal year based upon funds allotted by the state legislature. SEAP currently funds up to $5,000 per year (July 1-June 30) based on the availability of funding. For additional information visit

GI Bill® Comparison Tool is a tool that will help Post 9/11 GI Bill® users learn more about VA’s approved colleges.

Additional Information
VA Toll-Free Telephone Number 1.888.GI.BILL (1.888.442.4551), Monday-Friday (7 a.m.-5 p.m.)
GI Bill® website:
If you’re using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, you can verify your enrollment for school or training on If you’re using Montgomery GI Bill benefits, you can verify your enrollment on the WAVE website.

To verify enrollment visit: or call 1.877.823.2378
Payment Rates:

Career Tech Program Specific Fees Get from business office currently has 2024-25.
Estimated Cost of Attendance –
Cohort Default Rate – Click the link, then enter Holmes OPE-ID 002408 and click search, then click on the name of the school in the last column to access the current default rate.

Personal Counseling Services available on campus.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

All Transcripts (including military) MUST be on File in Admissions and Records:

For Additional Information:
Goodman Campus – Crystal Southern, 662-472-9028,

Goodman Campus – Stephanie Thrasher, 662-472-9027,

Goodman Campus – Kala Evans, 662-472-9037,

Ridgeland Campus – Joy Kellum, 601-605-3307,