Entertainment Industry Studies
Students are introduced and exposed to audio elements that will help them transfer to a university of their choice and also give them the skills and knowledge to start working in the entertainment industry field. Students receive hands on experience with various mixing consoles: Yamaha, Mackie, Soundcraft and Behringer. Students also are introduced to industry standard recording softwares such as ProTools and LogicPro.
Under the guidance of instructors students have access to recording facilities and complete several assigned recording projects but are also encouraged to experiment and use their creativity to write and record their own original music.
Students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a variety of performing ensembles that allows them to work backstage and manage various elements of audio, lighting and video during live performances.
Upon completion of the program students will have a strong background in the audio recording process and live audio production to successful proceed with their major at a university of their choice or start the process of a career.
Arts/Humanities/Language Pathway
Arts/Humanities/Language Pathway
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- College Algebra MAT 1313
- Fundamentals of Music MUS 1133
- Basic Computer Skills for Musicians MUS 1413
- Class Piano for Music Majors I MUA 1511
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
Total 16 Hours
Second Semester
- English Composition II ENG 1123
- General Psychology PSY 1513
- Principles of Accounting I ACC 2213
- Computer Recording I MUS 2413
- Class Piano for Music Majors II MUA 1521
- Natural Science w/Lab (4)
Total 17 Hours
First Semester
- Computer Recording II MUS 2423
- The Legal Environment of Business BAD 2413
- American (U.S.) History I HIS 2213
- Audio Engineering I MUS 2443
- Natural Science w/Lab (4)
Total 16 Hours
Second Semester
- Music Survey (Majors) MUS 2123
- American (U.S.) History II HIS 2223
- Audio Engineering II MUS 2453
- Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113
- Literature Elective (3)
Total 15 Hours
Consult with your chosen transfer university/college to determine changes to this curriculum.
Participation in an Ensemble each semester is strongly encouraged.
Participation in an Ensemble each semester is strongly encouraged.
Enrollment in a minimum of 15 hours each semester is recommended for eligibility for state aid, institutional scholarships, and the tuition break.