Secondary Education - Music - Voice
To be admitted into a teacher education program that leads to a baccalaureate degree, students will either have to
· Achieve a qualifying passing score on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) as established by the State Board of Education OR
· Have an ACT composite score of twenty-one (21) (or SAT equivalent) OR
· Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on coursework prior to admission to an approved teacher education program**
Education Pathway
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- College Algebra MAT 1313
- Choir I MUO 1211
- Recital Class I MUS 1911
- General Psychology PSY 1513
- *Fundamentals of Music MUS 1133
- *Class Piano I MUA 1511
- *Voice for Vocal Music Eduction Majors I MUA 1772
Second Semester
- English Composition II ENG 1123
- Music Survey (Majors) MUS 2123
- Choir II MUO 1221
- Recital Class II MUS 1921
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- *Music Theory I MUS 1214
- *Class Piano II MUA 1521
- *Voice for Vocal Music Education Majors II MUA 1782
First Semester
- Choir III MUO 2211
- Recital Class III MUS 2911
- World Civilization I HIS 1163 OR Western Civilization I HIS 1113
- *Music Theory II MUS 1224
- Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- *Class Piano III MUA 2511
- *Voice for Vocal Music Education Majors III MUA 2772
Second Semester
- Choir IV MUO 2221
- Recital Class IV MUS 2921
- World Civilization II HIS 1173 OR Western Civilization II HIS 1123
- Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113
- Natural Science w/Lab (4)
- *Class Piano IV MUA 2521
- *Voice for Vocal Music Education Majors IV MUA 2782
EDU 1613 Foundations in Education and Learning is strongly recommended for all Education Pathways.
**Consult with your chosen transfer university/college to determine changes to this curriculum.
Participation in Choir is required each semester.
*Failure to complete any portion of this combination of courses forfeits advancement to the next level of all.
Acceptance into an education program is necessary before students can enroll in required junior or senior level education courses.