Computer Programming
Computer Programming – is a program that offers training in the design of coding and testing of business applications, network management, and computer system operations. Opportunities for students with expertise in coding include industries such as health care, manufacturing, telecommunications, and computer consulting. An Associate of Applied Science degree is earned upon completion of the curriculum. Successful completion of the first year entitles a student to a Technical Certificate in Computer Programming.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Fundamentals of Data Communications IST 1134
- Essentials of Information Systems Technology IST 1183
- Web Development Using HTML & CSS IST 1433
- *Approved Elective (3)
- **Programming Elective (3)
Second Semester
- Principles of Information Security IST 1143
- Database and SQL Concepts IST 1163
- Practical Applications in Information Systems Technology IST 1193
- Smart Start Pathway SSP 1002
- **Programming Elective (3)
- **Programming Elective (3)
First Semester
- Script Programming IST 2324
- *Approved Elective (3)
- **Programming Elective (4)
- **Programming Elective (4)
Second Semester
- English Composition I ENG 1113
- English Composition II ENG 1123 OR Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR Social/Behavioral Science (3)
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- College Algebra MAT 1313 OR Natural Science w/Lab (4)
(Option One) A Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 32 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Two) An Advanced Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 47 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Three) An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
*Approved Electives: BOT 1273, CNT 2423, CPT 1333, IST 1213, IST 2314, IST 2533, IST 292(1-3), WBL 1913, WBL 1923 or other technical or academic elective approved by instructor/advisor.