Industrial Engineering Management Technology
The Industrial Engineering Management Technology program is designed to prepare students to meet the growing demands of industry for employees with expertise in manufacturing processes, statistical quality control, production management, automation, and computer-aided manufacturing. The program offers a Technical Certificate, an Advanced Technical Certificate, and AAS Degree in Industrial Engineering Management Technology. Graduates may have the option of transfer leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) in Industrial Engineering Technology.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Principles of CAD ENT 1313
- Computational Methods for Drafting ENT 1123
- Introduction to Industrial Engineering ENT 1163
- Graphic Communications ENT 1113
- Materials ENT 1213
- Manufacturing Processess ENT 1833
Second Semester
- Quality Assurance ENT 2263
- Spreadsheet Applications ENT 1183
- Design for Manufacturing ENT 1823
- Fundamentals of Management ENT 1173
- Facilities Planning ENT 2273
- Smart Start Pathway SSP 1002
First Semester
- Basic Applications of Industrial Safety ENT 1154
- Cost Estimating ENT 2243
- *English Composition I ENG 1113
- *College Algebra MAT 1313 OR *Natural Science w/Lab (4)
Second Semester
- *English Composition II ENG 1123 OR *Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113 OR *Social/Behavioral Science (3)
- *Social/Behavioral Science Elective (3)
- *Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
- *Approved Technical Electives (4)
(Option One) A Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 36 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Two) An Advanced Technical Certificate may be earned after successfully completing the first 46 hours of career technical coursework.
(Option Three) An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
**Approved Technical Electives: ENT 1243, ENT 1713, ENT 2133, ENT 2453, ENT 2613, ENT 2723, ENT 291(1-3), WBL 191(1-3) and WBL 192(1-3).