Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology
The Occupational Therapy Assistant curriculum is a two-year program of study that prepares an individual to work as a co-participant in the entire occupational therapy process, at the discretion of the supervising licensed occupational therapist. The occupational therapy assistant provides intervention pertinent to creating and promoting healthy lifestyles, restoring or habilitating a skill or ability, maintaining the current level of function, modifying activity to ensure success, and addressing disability prevention. The Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology Program is located in Ridgeland with a Fall/August start date.
Program Curriculum
First Semester
- Foundations of Occupational Therapy OTA 1113
- Pathology of Psychiatric Conditions OTA 1213
- Therapeutic Anatomy OTA 1132
- Group Process OTA 1513
- Occupational Therapy Skills I OTA 1423
- **Medical Terminology OTA 1121
- *College Algebra MAT 1313
Second Semester
- Pathology of Physical Disability Conditions OTA 1223
- Kinesiology OTA 1314
- Pathology of Orthopedic Conditions OTA 1243
- Pathology of Developmental Conditions OTA 1233
- Healthcare Systems OTA 2812
- English Composition I ENG 1113
Third Semester
- Fieldwork IA OTA 1913
- Occupational Therapy Skills II OTA 1433
- Therapeutic Media OTA 1413
- Public Speaking I SPT/COM 1113
First Semester
- Fieldwork IB OTA 2935
- Occupational Therapy SkillsIII OTA 2443
- Concepts in Occupational Therapy OTA 2714
- Occupational Therapy Transitions I OTA 2961
- Human Growth & Development EPY/PSY 2533
Second Semester
- Fieldwork IIA OTA 2946
- Fieldwork IIB OTA 2956
- Occupational Therapy Transitions II OTA 2971
- Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3)
An AAS Degree may be earned after successfully completing required career technical and academic coursework.
The student must have successfully completed BIO 2514 Anatomy & Physiology I and BIO 2524 Anatomy & Physiology II with a C or better before program start date.
*MAT 1233 & a natural science with lab (7 hrs. total) may be substituted for College Algebra.
**May substitute a previous medical terminology course (example: BOT 1613, BOT 1623 or BIO 1813.)