Practical Nursing - Full Time Day Track January
The Practical Nursing Program prepares the individual to assist in providing general nursing care requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological sciences; and of nursing procedures that do not require the skills, judgment, and knowledge required of a registered nurse. This care is performed under the direction of a registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), licensed physician, or dentist. Intensive preparation for the NCLEX-PNĀ® Exam and transitioning from student to employee is provided.
Program Curriculum
Career Certificate
First Year January Start / Spring Semester
- Nursing Fundamentals & Clinic PNV 1444
- Body Structure and Function PNV 1213
Summer Semester
- IV Therapy & Pharmacology PNV 1524
- Specialty Areas in Nursing PNV 1728
Fall Semester
- Adult Health Nursing Concepts & Clinical PNV 1682
- Nursing Transition PNV 1914
Must have successfully completed with a C or better the following courses before program start date: BIO 2514 Anatomy & Physiology I and BOT 1613 Medical Terminology I or BIO 1813 Medical Terminology for Health Professions.