Campus Locations

Goodman Campus
The original campus of Holmes Community College, established in 1925, is located in the center of the state at Goodman, Mississippi, in the eastern part of Holmes County. The campus is composed of one hundred ninety-acres with thirty-three principal buildings. The district administrative offices for the college are located at the Goodman Campus. This campus offers academic courses for university transfer, technical programs, career programs, workforce programs and training. The Goodman campus also serves as the college’s residential campus and has physical facilities for student activities including varsity sports and performing arts. The president’s home is located on this campus.

Ridgeland Campus
The Ridgeland Campus opened in 1985 and serves one of the fastest-growing areas in the state, Madison County. The campus is located approximately two miles north of the city of Jackson and a half mile north of the Natchez Trace Parkway and I-55. The campus is situated on 80 acres of land at the intersection of West Ridgeland and Sunnybrook Road. The Ridgeland campus offers instruction of academic courses for university transfer and career/technical programs that lead to employment following graduation. This campus houses the college’s central office for Workforce Development programs and training which improve the skills of existing employees, prepare students for a different career, and ready students to enter the workforce.

Grenada Campus
The Grenada Campus is located on approximately 14 acres near picturesque Grenada Lake and is positioned on I-55 between Memphis, Tennessee and Jackson, Mississippi. The campus has been fully operational since 1985 and affords opportunities for academic and cultural enrichment and vocational expansion to meet the demands of the surrounding area. The Grenada Campus offers a wide range of high-quality technical programs, academic courses parallel to the first two years at a university, and workforce training.
The campus further serves as a meeting place for a variety of educational-type workshops, seminars, and conferences. The Corey Forum, with a seating capacity of over five hundred, provides a venue for the Grenada Arts Partnership and a conference site for numerous groups.
Since 2008, the Grenada Campus has partnered with the University of Mississippi Division of Outreach to offer selected undergraduate and graduate degree programs onsite with plans for future expansion.
Attala Center
The Attala Center is a modern education facility which is approximately 75,000 square feet. It is located at 620 West Jefferson Street – less than a mile from Kosciusko’s historic downtown square. The center offers a wide range of academic courses that are transferable to four-year institutions, as well as noncredit courses designed to meet the needs and interests of the area. In addition to academic and workforce offerings, The Attala Center is home to several career-technical programs that culminate in technical certificates, advanced technical certificates or Associate of Applied Science degrees. The center, in conjunction with business and industry, coordinates workforce programs to meet their individual training needs.
Yazoo Center
The Yazoo Center is a modernized educational facility comprised of classroom and computer lab space located in the Yazoo Economic Development and Education Center. It is located at 637 East 15th Street in Yazoo City – gateway to The Delta. The center offers a variety of academic courses that are transferable to four-year institutions, as well as, noncredit courses designed to meet the needs and interests of the area. The center, in conjunction with business and industry, coordinate workforce programs to meet their individual training needs.