
Looking into the distance, eyes unfocused, there is a kaleidoscope of color as late autumn sunshine streams through stained glass windows. Almost to the point of imperceptibility is the sound of water cascading down the wall of an adjoining meditation tower. There, cloistered with one’s own thoughts, religious canons or philosophical beliefs, are those who will come to Holmes Community College’s Chapel.
The chapel has been designed to meet the spiritual, emotional and inspirational needs of Holmes students and the community at large. It is located on the quadrangle, the center of the Goodman facility, reflecting the campus’ traditional character and architectural motifs going back a thousand years as western man began to build structures in which he could transcend the many problems he associated with his daily existence, whether he used prayer or simple meditation.
Webster Hall, former dormitory and center of campus life for countless Holmes students, provided the building materials, mainly bricks taken from the structure as it was dismantled. The chapel’s windows are in the traditional Palladian motif featuring large areas of stained glass. The building’s exterior is detailed with traditional brick elements and carved wood entry doors. The interior is graced with brick walls, natural wood floors and a curved vaulted ceiling.
The meditation tower, a special place for visitors to spend time in quiet reflection, adjoins the main chapel. Those utilizing this facility will find themselves in soft reflected light surrounded by the sound of a gently flowing waterfall.
Exterior spaces are as special as the interior. The chapel is located just west of McDaniel Hall. Adjacent to the chapel is a meditation courtyard surrounded by brick and wrought iron fencing.
This feature consists of highly developed landscaping and brick walls focused on a quiet fountain. A memorial/honor brick wall leads to this area. Bricks are inscribed with the name of the person, persons or organization to be memorialized. Serving the same purpose are brass plates placed on items donated to the chapel, much in the same way as brass plaques noting donors or persons to be remembered have been placed in the chapel’s entry.
The chapel will reflect the special atmosphere of Holmes Community College and add an additional element that will be part of an overall atmosphere that is designed to meet the total needs of students, faculty and community at large.