Fine Arts Piano
The Piano area serves as a vital arm of support for all music majors, offering class piano settings for Instrumental, Guitar, and Voice Majors, as well as private lesson instruction for Piano Majors. We provide accompaniment for choral ensembles and voice students within the Choral/Vocal Music area and also perform throughout the nine-county HCC district for various school-related and community events.
If you have pre-collegiate preparation and would like to continue your piano study in a professional environment, then Holmes has a place for you. We offer these opportunities to students talented in piano:
- Piano Major Course of Study
- Piano Accompanying
- Supervised Piano Teaching Internship to Qualified Students
Course of Study
The curriculum follows the basic music major core and students would finish the academic core for transfer to a senior college. The music core includes but is not limited to the following:
- Music Theory I-IV
- Music Survey
- Piano and Class Piano
- Choral Ensembles
There are a limited number of scholarships available for music majors who have a serious background in piano, including private lessons.
Performance at Holmes Community College
All students perform in Departmental Recitals on their solo instrument. Piano students would also collaborate at the piano for their singing and playing colleagues at appropriate times. Piano students who qualify would be invited to play for the performing ensembles of the college. Some of these ensembles include:
- Concert Choir
- Coachmen
- Jazz Band
In addition, the Mississippi Music Teachers Association sponsors an audition program that is a rich opportunity for performance and growth. College piano students are encouraged to participate in the yearly auditions held on campuses across the state.
For information about piano at Holmes Community College, contact:
Dr. Donna Banks
Choir Accompanist
(662) 472-9030