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Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is a group of students that are charged with managing a wide range of events, activities, programs, policies and initiatives on campus.  To participate in SGA on your campus, please complete the member interest from below and a SGA sponsor on your campus will contact you.

Goodman Campus
Tina Boyette
(662) 472-9003

Grenada Campus
Haley DeNoon
(662) 227-2324

Ridgeland Campus
Amanda Lindsey
(601) 605-3320

Student Government Association Membership

Submit the following requests for membership and a SGA Sponsor from your campus will review your request for approval.

Council Representatives are not elected positions.

  • Council Representatives will be composed of freshmen and sophomore students who would like to participate on a voluntary basis.
  • Qualifications are to:
    • be a full-time student;
    • have at least a 2.0 GPA for any previous coursework; and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA semester average.
Holmes Student Email Address(Required)
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