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Student Publications

The Growl, Horizons & Reflections


Mary Margaret Busby – Ridgeland
(601) 605-3376

Growl, the official student newspaper of Holmes Community College, is published monthly during the fall and spring semesters. The student newspaper is designed to inform the Holmes campuses and their nine-county district about Holmes activities. Also, the paper serves as a workshop or practical laboratory for a student interested in news writing, editing, typography, and advertising. A student may earn one credit hour working on the Growl.

The Growl Volume 87, Number 29 – read it now.


Horizons is primarily a pictorial yearbook of Holmes Community College which captures the activities of its students, faculty, administration and staff. The yearbook is produced by students who earn one hour of credit for their work. Any student interested in working with the yearbook is encouraged to participate. Activities range from learning how to layout and design pages on the computer to photography.

Reflections published once each year, includes the best creative work submitted by Holmes Community College students. Work appearing in Reflections is judged by the members of the Holmes Community College English Department and a panel of students of the Reflections staff. Manuscripts are invited from students in all departments.