Parents & Families
Holmes Community College welcomes parents and families of our students. This is your resource to the College as your student moves through their time here. The links and pages listed are your resource for information and updates.

Tips for Success
How to Support YOUR Student

Parent Portal
Access Guide

- How to Navigate in Parent Portal?
- What is FERPA and why is it important?
- Will the classes my student takes at Holmes CC transfer to other colleges/universities?
- How can I view important dates for Holmes CC?
- Where can I find Financial Aid Information?
- How can I make a payment for my student?
- Does Holmes CC offer housing for my student?
- Where can I find textbook information for my student?
- What does Holmes CC offer for College Safety?
- Does Holmes CC offer Disability Support Services?
- Where can I find additional help or resources?
- What is the link to the Parent Portal?