Welding and Cutting Technology
The Welding and Cutting Technology curriculum is designed to prepare the student for entry-level employment in the field of welding and cutting. Students will develop skills in the use of arc welders, oxyacetylene torches, and plasma cutting machines. Gas tungsten arc welding techniques are taught on both ferrous and nonferrous materials. Classroom instruction is provided in blueprint, welding, welding theory, and welding machines. This program leads to a Technical Certificate, Advanced Technical Certificate, or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.
The Welding and Cutting Technology Department of Holmes Community College will provide career and professional educational preparation in existing and emerging technologies which will prepare the student for immediate productive employment or continuing education in a related area. The department will train its graduates on the skills, knowledge, and workplace attitudes essential to enter the profession of welding.
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Meet our Instructors
Ben Lewis (Goodman) Department Chair
(662) 472-9082
M. R. Thorne Vocational-Technical Building
David Robinson (Grenada)
(662) 227-2385
Industrial Technology Complex (ITC)
Jonathan Stokes (Ridgeland)
(601) 605-3435
D.P. “Pat” McGowan Workforce Training Center