Emergency Medical Sciences
The Emergency Medical Sciences program prepares students for a variety of roles in the field of emergency medicine. Students who complete the one-semester EMT course and receive certification are prepared for direct patient care and serve as the support personnel as well as operate the ambulance. They also work in emergency departments, fire departments, and physicians’ offices. Current certification as an EMT often provides points toward selection for entry into other allied health programs.
Nationally-registered Emergency Medical Technicians may be eligible to participate in the Paramedic program at Ridgeland or Grenada. Successful completion of the course leads to a certificate or an AAS degree. Paramedics provide direct patient care covering a broad range of injuries and illness. Although most paramedics work on ambulances, other career options, such as an off-shore paramedic, combat or swat medic, safety officer, or flight paramedic exist.
Experienced paramedics may be eligible to enter the Critical Care Paramedic program, a program designed and first implemented by the EMS staff at Holmes. Successful completion of the coursework leads to an AAS degree. Critical Care Paramedics are prepared for a career in critical care transport.
Helpful links:

The Holmes CC Emergency Medical Sciences Department provides quality cognitive-based education and clinical opportunities that enable highly motivated students to become competent and ethical EMTs and exemplary representatives for Holmes Community College and the EMS profession. EMT graduates will demonstrate through the successful completion of written, oral, and clinical competencies a thorough understanding of the out-of-hospital approach to patient treatment, to implementation of effective treatments of patients throughout the life span, and to participate in the management of EMS systems.
Meet Our Instructors
Ridgeland EMS Faculty
Program Director
(601) 605-3331 office
D. P. “Pat” McGowan Workforce Training Center
Room 201E
Yancy Brewer, BS, NRP
EMS Instructor
(601) 605-3359
D. P. “Pat” McGowan Workforce Training Center
Room 201F
Sandra Hultz, BS, NRP
Clinical Coordinator
(601) 605-3347
D. P. “Pat” McGowan Workforce Training Center
Jeremy Benson, BS, NREMTP, FPC, CNPT
Grenada EMS Faculty
Robert Green
EMS Instructor
(662) 227-2344
Industrial Technology Complex (ITC)
Grenada Campus
Other Resources
International Association of Flight Paramedics | http://www.flightparamedic.org/
National Association of EMTs | http://www.naemt.org/
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians | http://www.nremt.org
Mississippi State EMS Office | http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/47.html
Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions | http://www.coaemsp.org/
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs | http://www.caahep.org/