Forest Technology
The Forest Technology program is designed to immerse students in various natural resources topics, including tree identification, forest protection and management, wildlife management, timber harvesting, and forest product utilization, volume estimation, environmental protection, forestry certifications, mapping, and navigation. This applied science prepares individuals to work alongside foresters and other natural resource professionals to achieve a wide array of management objectives. Forestry Technology is a two-year technical program. An Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded upon successful completion of the curriculum.
The Forest Technology Department will provide educational preparation for employment in forestry-related technologies, which will prepare the student for productive employment as well as provide opportunities for lifelong learning.
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Jobs / Wages – Forest Technology
Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) Forestry Technician (III) – $ 37,961.00
US Forest Service Forestry Technician (G.S. 7) – $43,251
NRCS Soil Conservation Technician (GS 5) – $33,943
Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger (G.S. 7) -$ 43,251
What to Expect – Forest Technology
Program participants will receive in-the-field experience and training. Most forestry classes meet only once a week, and students typically take two of the classes a semester. Since our classes only meet once a week, they typically last for most of the morning. This allows enough time for students to view various locations in a day. Our students visit a variety of sites such as State Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), National Wildlife Refuges, National Forest, Army Corp of Engineers property, industrial lands as wells as a variety of non-industrial private property. This vast assortment of sites allows our students to see forest and wildlife management across an array of landowners, agencies, and objectives.
Meet our Instructor
James Floyd
(662) 227-2336
Industrial Technology Complex (ITC)